Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Manderings ~ Birthday Parties!!

A lot of parents' groan when it comes to planning a birthday party for their child. A lot of thinking and planning has to go into it. Who to invite, what's the theme, will there be decorations and if so what kinds, what about food, how much, ughhh!!!! Most of the time before the big day is finally here, parents' are frustrated and gritting their teeth hoping the day is just right for their child. Speaking from experience, your child could care less about all those logistics, they are just happy to be having a party and it's their birthday! What more could they really care about?

Considering the fact that we have a birthday coming up next month, I thought this would be a good topic for my Monday Manderings. Okay, it's really not mandering.....I do actually have a topic, but that's okay, we can just go with the flow for now.

Our Macie will be turning 4 this year and I really want to do something special for her. I want to have an actual party. With balloons, a decorations and cake and some kiddie foods and goodie bags, and an extensive guest list that would include everyone that's part of her family to the famous Just Bieber....well not really, but he's popular and my 9-year-old adores him, so I threw him in there. But the truth is, I can't afford such a big party for her and besides, she doesn't have any friends as she doesn't go to preschool. But that's okay, she has 6 other siblings to join in on her party, a few of their friends, my son's girlfriend, Hubs and I have a few friends....ugh the guest list has to get cut down, but who do we cut out?

To begin with, if we are to invite siblings friends, then it can only be one friend a piece and that would only count for the older ones. Our guest list just went from 9 to 12 in a matter of seconds. Inviting our friends is a bit more tricky as most of them have at least 2 or more children, but hey, all we have to do is count the kids right? So, if we invite our friends we can add about 8 kids there, we're now up to 20.....see how fast that list can grow? So let's think in terms of what's the most expensive.

Probably food......but kids don't eat a lot at parties. All they care about is the cake! That's the honest truth and every parent knows it. If you really want to make the parent's happy, make up your own platters of lunch meats, cheeses and some crackers. If the parent's complain, tell them next year you'll do a bring your own dish party, that should shut them up for a while. Juice would be about the only thing I would offer. Soda and cake......forget it! Way too much sugar for a bunch of kids at YOUR home!

Decorations do not have to be elaborate. You can actually make a lot of them at home with some cardstock, construction paper, computer, markers, ect.....balloons are pretty cheap and if you want to add in some helium, you can always rent a tank, much cheaper than having the party stores do it for you. Next you'll need some ribbon for the balloon, that's pretty inexpensive too and some plates, napkins, utensils and you are all set. You really don't HAVE to go with the fancy plates, but if you wanted to and your budget allowed for it you can. And those bouncy houses? Why?? So a child can get hurt and you can be held liable? Unless you have every parent sign a waiver, you can really pass on this!

How about games, can always have your party at a park. This might cost a little bit of money, but then the kids can play while you hang out with your family and friends. Or you can do the traditional games of pin the tail on the "whatever character you use" and musical chairs, or you can ditch the games all together.

I found some great ideas here:Birthday Party Ideas. These are for little girls, but I'm sure you could search around their site and find some info on boys' as well.

Invitations can be bought cheaply or you can make them at home if you wish. A computer program and some cardstock is all you'll need. has an Invite to Event section now, so you could use this feature instead of sending out mass invitations to people. However you plan your child's birthday party, remember it's about your child first, your budget second and everyone else last. It's not about being the coolest kid on the block, or the most entertaining birthday party ever! One rule I've always heard, if you have a 4-year-old then no more than 4 kids should be at their party. I have never abided by this rule but I don't think it's a terrible one, especially if your budget is tight.

Oh and set a budget and don't go over it, no matter who says what to you! You know what you can afford, they don't!

One more place you might want to check out is They can be a bit pricey the larger your party is, but remember, you only need to buy themed products for kids. The adults can eat off of regular plates with regular forks, or worse comes to worse, they can use their fingers!

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