And quite often in this household! Let me just give you a quick run down of the last 30 days of the type of crisis' we've dealt with.
David (my 16-year-old) fractured his wrist, surgery is needed, but finding an ortho who takes our insurance has proven to be a not so easy task. In the process of this, David developed Arthritic Lyme Disease in his right knee. His knee swelled up in a 24 hour period about 3 times its normal size. So back to the ER Hubs took David where they prescribed him pain meds and told him to follow-up with his pediatrician. The next morning he was seen by his ped and was immediately put on antibiotics for his leg.....
One week later, medications aren't doing their job for David, but I end up with an abscess that runs from my chin to my eye so off to Urgent Care Hubs and I go. I was prescribed antibiotics and a mild pain reliever and sent home. Hubs began calling dentists and of course, none of them take our insurance. At the same time, David has a follow-up on his knee, which is now, 2 times bigger than his first hospital visit. No more oral meds, now we have a picc line put in and David starts daily antibiotics through an IV for the next 30 days.
One week later, I end up with another abscess, the size of a golf ball on the other side of my mouth. Figured out it had to be from some medications I take myself. Discontinued them and what do you know, no more abscesses. It still took awhile for the pain and swelling to go down though, but once it did, I've been okay.
Gitty, our 9-year-old daughter ended up in the hospital during this time as well. She was having some health issues and needed to be monitored.
Last week AC slips in the shower and hurts his shoulder and elbow. Thankfully nothing was broken, just tender, but he landed himself in a sling anyway. I swear, the ER should just know us by name by now.
This week rolls around and David is to have his picc line removed, treatment is done. Except David's knee is no better and we are back to square one. An MRI report showed fluid on his knee. He is being seen at the ER, yet again and hopefully they can provide him with some relief. If not, I have no clue where we will go with this. I hope the doctor's have some better solutions than the one's they have been giving us.
We will overcome this, just as we have overcome all other things in the past. Thank God for blogging, it comes in handy during times like this! Even the dog knows something isn't right, he sits staring at me, once in a while blinking as if to say, "Again??"
Until next time......
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