So if you thought having 7 kids was bizarre enough....let's talk about how a day in the life of Moo's house really goes.
Our schedule is probably about as normal as everyone else except we have a few unconventional ways.
Everyone is up by 7am......except me. But we'll get to why that is in a little bit.
The first up is typically our 4 and 5 year olds'. They have some internal message that tells them their favorite TV shows are on. Sometime between 5am and 6am, Nick channel switches from the more "teenage" shows to the kiddie shows and my kids know this! They usually come bouncing out, smiles on their faces, asking for channel 100 to be put on and breakfast with a drink, oh! and don't forget the kiss good morning Mommy please. (this is on the rare occasion that I am awake). Otherwise it's kisses from Daddy they are asking for.
Hubby gets up and gets the kids around for school. Our oldest son isn't in school right now. He's home bound due to him having some health issues, so he's out for the rest of his 10th grade year. It's actually worked out a lot better than we thought it would. So well, that come next year he'll be home schooled full time. After the kids are off to school, Hubs gets the babies dressed for the day, breakfast fed and bottles given (I am still sleeping this entire time.) He takes care of what needs to be done throughout the morning.
Let me back up and explain a bit. Back in October, Hubby had to take a leave of absence from work. I desperately needed his help here due to the health issues I was having. This led to his employer letting him go, for lack of a better term and he's been home collecting unemployment. Unfortunately, we live in an area where there are NO jobs available, not even for young people who they could get away paying minimum wage to. The job market here stinks! But for me, this works out pretty good. I'm nocturnal by nature and do my best work when everyone else is asleep.
I get up sometime between 10am and 1pm depending on how late I've been up the night before. I hang out with Hubs and the kids, do some chores around the house, then it's time for the kiddies to get off the bus. That's when things get BUSY! It's homework time, then dinner time, a little play time, bath time, snack time, medicine time and then bedtime by 9pm at the latest in this house.
This is when I start MY work, which I don't get paid for. See, I'm a mega-blogger. I've just started here on this site, but I have another, more active blog on another site. The other one is based on medical things and this one is based on my family life, both of which I love intensely. If I could make money doing what I do best.....writing, I would. But like every other field, there are no job openings and for someone with no formal training, my options are quite limited. Write for free or well, nothing.....So, I write for free and it's something I enjoy immensely.
From about 9pm until some time after the sun rises, I do research, write, draft, edit and post. Here on this blog, I kinda just wing it! I have so much experience being a Mommy of 7 and being with the same, wonderful man for 19 years, topics come naturally for me here.
So, that's our routine....and really not that unconvential, except we have 7 kids, one of which is home bound, two that are in public school and 4 little one's that pretty much rule the house during the day. Hubs is unemployed and I work at night, for free. So......I guess we really are weird!
Welcome to our day!
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