Saturday, April 14, 2012

About Our Family

Well.....I'm a mom to 7 awesome kids! I know, everyone says that, their kids are awesome and everyone else around them says, "Yeah, I know what she's really thinking!" But, I mean it, my kids really are awesome! We have 3 boys and 4 girls, all ranging in age from 16 years old down to 7 months old. Hubby and I have been together since high school and have been married for 13 years!

Let's get some of the "awkward" questions answered right away. 

"Are they all yours?" Well, no, they are both my husband's and mine, we are equally responsible for our brood. And we didn't pick up a single one in the produce aisle or the baby aisle of Target.  

"Are any of them adopted?" Nope! Our dog is our only adoptee in this house. We actually rescued him from some pretty horrific conditions and with his goofiness he fits in well with our family. 

"Do you know what causes that?" Why yes, we do and we obviously enjoy it ;)

"Don't you have a TV?" Actually, we have 3 TV's but there isn't anything as entertaining as, well.....

"Why doesn't one of you get fixed?" This question has always confused me. Obviously neither of us are broken, so why would one have to be fixed? I usually answer this question with, "Nope! We actually preferred to get broken!" This usually gets some pretty odd looks as many people don't understand our answer. 

"Are you going to have more?" No, we are not. During Baby #7's pregnancy I developed some major health issues, so we decided that it was a good time to, get broken. I think it makes both of us sad....but in truth, it is for the best. 

"How do you manage so many children? How do you afford them?" Well that's a lot of what this blog is about. I want to help other parents. 

So how about we get started and do just that! 

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